Story telling travel App

Balads: the first application of scripted roadtrips

Balads simplifies your life thanks to a completely integrated solution of packaged and scripted tourist tours, from half a day to several days for major cities.It is not always easy to organize the weekend: find a theme, create the right route, choose the activities, find the right hotel and the perfect dinner. You can quickly spend several hours there for an uncertain result.

Brand universe
& design system

Our identity is articulated around the B of symbolic balads the road trip. Very minimalist while remaining stylized it has been designed to be easily used as an icon of the mobile application.

In this universe teeming with tourist services we have opted for a very bright turquoise green. We believe that this color gives lightness to the application while having a fairly strong visual impact.
The use of visual aerial view is for us the way to carry the contemplative and evasive aspect.

Team organization
& collaboration

Balads is the most successful workflow we develop in-house. The entire project is managed on TRELLO in an AGILE way.

The UX preparatory phase allows the whole team to share their ideas and points for improvement. The UX is formalized to feed the IU work.

The UI elements are centralized in a Design System. User paths are written in the form of FLOW. For some animation principles we use dynamic prototyping with Principle.

The animations in the application are made with After effect and then integrated with LOTTIE.

As for development, the entire application is developed in native IOS and Android (Swift and Kotlin). The back Office is on AWS under node.JS. Each application is compatible with Carplay and android auto for the navigation part.